Book: Hard Sayings: Reconciling the Cost of Discipleship and the American Dream

Author: Joshua West

Publisher: Ambassador International



There’s been a lot of conversation about the need for revival in our world—especially in America. But perhaps, we need to reevaluate our church methods and preaching before God can issue in a revival?

Joshua West’s book, Hard Sayings: Reconciling the Cost of Discipleship and the American Dream is a warning message to followers of Christ. The church must remain Biblically sound in a culture that veers so far from the truth of God’s Word.

As someone who grew up in the shadows of ministry that, at times, overemphasized repentance without grace, Pastor West lays out that it is about the balance of both. And how do you balance the message of repentance with the message of grace? The answer is through studying the whole counsel of Scripture that teaches the fear of the Lord, along with His overwhelming love and forgiveness. You can’t trade one or the other, or it will have devastating effects on discipleship in the body of Christ.

What I appreciate about this book is that Pastor West writes with a humble heart while tackling the hard, uncompromising truth of the gospel. You can feel the passion and conviction behind his words to awaken and challenge all of us toward a right relationship with Jesus Christ.

Hard Sayings is a wake-up call for the American church!


Favorite Quotes:


“The message of self-esteem, self-love and self-empowerment are not compatible with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Scripture doesn’t tell us to empower ourselves; the Scripture calls us to deny ourselves.”  


“The American church has been rocked to sleep in the arms of cultural relevance and tolerance.” 


“True Christianity is found on a hard and narrow path, filled with self-denial that leads only one way— to a blood-stained cross.”



For more information about Hard Sayings: Reconciling the Cost of Discipleship and the American Dream and Joshua West go to


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