Have you ever just yearned for a sense of balance in your life?

That’s me. Right now!

It seems we are living in a world of extremes. Just take a few minutes reading the latest political opinions, and extreme is the narrative. Everyone seems to take an opposing side from one another. There’s rarely a balance in our interactions and debates.

And then we have this tolerance movement where no one can have a different opinion or at least we are not to share it.

It’s like we have forgotten to add the balance of reason, knowledge, kindness, and humility in our interactions with one another.

But how do we hold on to our convictions, stand boldly for truth without tipping the scales?

Is it even possible?

I recently went through an experience that I want to share with a questioning and prayerful heart. I am writing from a place of I don’t have the answers. But maybe my need for balance will answer the question indirectly.

It has to do with ministry and evangelism.

It was a seven-week training session to counsel women in crisis. I learned so much. I began to understand how to effectively minister to women and share the love of Christ without manipulation. No judgment. Just loving and comforting women in need and ALWAYS sharing the gospel by asking permission first. Not imposing my beliefs but sharing out of love and concern.

Yes, yes, yes!!

You see, I have seen ministry done the wrong way. I know the negative and intimidating effects of what “gospel” manipulation can do.  It’s devastating. And it is not the gospel as Christ teaches us through Scripture.

I soaked up this training, and it felt like I needed this in my life. If you are a part of any faith-based ministry long enough, you can get a bit jaded and hurt.

I’ve learned to navigate the stings and scars in ministry by always diving back into the word of God. And the Bible continually teaches—it’s not about me. Pour into others, Julie. Bitterness is a seed that takes root to manipulate and destroy your ability to minister.

I have witnessed others—more deeply scarred than me— soothed and healed by the power of God from their painful ministry experiences. It’s awesome when God balances out the extremes and heals the devastating effects of sin.

But my seven weeks ended with an unfortunate revelation. A woman who had been counseling other women in crisis pointed to her cross necklace. “See this,” she said. “I never wear this in the counseling room. I don’t want people to feel I am biased or manipulating them in any way. We minister, we don’t manipulate!”

My thoughts: But, wait! Isn’t this a faith-based organization? The cross around your neck is a representation of your hope. It’s your life. It is why you feel called to minister to other women in need. You ARE biased as a proclaimed follower of Jesus Christ.

I walked away from that training a bit jaded, again, but this time by the other side. That balance between ministry and manipulation was tipped the other way, and that side felt wrong too.

So you see, here I am— a follower of Christ—yearning for that balance in ministering to others.

How do I share the gospel of Jesus Christ in today’s society of extremes?

How do I balance not tipping the scale toward the devastating effects of manipulation or to the other side of timid evangelism that so often is overly concerned with tolerance and offense to others?

The only answer I keep coming back to is the word of God.

Scripture is the perfect balance in our lives. It is the resource that teaches us how to minister without manipulation but it also strongly compels us to walk with boldness; shining the light of Christ— that miraculous transforming power of the Cross—for ALL the world to see.

The balance is in putting the gospel first as the stable foundation of our ministry. For when you take away from that in any way—on either side—you lose your witness and effectiveness in ministering to others. The scale tips and you become an extreme—too assertive or too weak.

I have now witnessed both extremes in ministry that lead to unbalance. But look at this image. Where is the symbol of the cross? Smack dab in the middle. How about that?!

So I circle back to my question.  How do I become an effective witness for Christ to a hurting world in need?

I am reminded of this Scripture, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” (Romans 1:16)

Help me God, to always minister to others from the balance of Scripture and never be ashamed of the Cross that sets the captives free!

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Comments (2)

  1. Kris

    Yes!!! Aptly written, good question to always ask before sharing the gospel. I have found as long as I stay true to the principles of Christ’s Kingdom & true to who He made me to be & my giftings then I walk in balance!

  2. Carol Kenzy

    Julie, does your question involve ministry “on your own” or with a group/organization?

    ON YOUR OWN: You must “wrestle” with God as to the who, what, where, when and why of your specific style of reaching others. Where is your burden? What makes your heart beat faster with anticipation of the Holy Spirit’s working in lives to introduce them to Jesus? How can you meet those needs without jeopardizing your family responsibilities? To whom are you accountable? Will it be a one-time meeting or include follow-up mentoring?

    IN A GROUP SETTING: Will you need to sign an agreement to function only in accordance with the organization’s guidelines? Or, is the relationship a little more flexible so that you can minister in your style, fulfilling His vision through you? What accountability is included? Followup?

    In every situation, as you well know, there will be/can be deeply divided opinions, beliefs and/or practices. Does the core message/style resonate with you or does it make you uncomfortable? These are all things that the Lord can and does use to guide you to the place He has called you to be.

    I don’t think there is ever complete “smooth sailing,” but He will directs your heart where you need to be by the Word of God, prayer, research on our part and walking by faith. It’s rarely perfect, but you will have a peace when the right connection is made. Your obvious heart for God will find an outlet — such as your book, your blog and more. Let Him guide your heart as He guides your fingers on the keyboard.

    Even at our age, we know only too well that He is the one with the answers, and He will put you in the right place at the right time with the right tools. Not one life-experience to date has been wasted — the good and the not-so-good. “Weeping may come in the night, but joy comes in the morning.”

    So proud of you for the way you are walking in His footsteps, faithfully using those gifts He’s given you for an eternal purpose. Walk in His love, grace and obedience. He will do the rest!!

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