Book: No Limits: Embracing the Miraculous  

Author: Donna Sparks

Publisher: Bridge-Logos


Does God still perform miracles today?

My friend Donna Sparks answers this question in her new book, No Limits: Embracing the Miraculous. It is an uplifting narrative to encourage Christians that the same God— of the miraculous signs and wonders of Scripture— is alive and well through the work of the Holy Spirit today!

Through the pages of her book, Donna shares personal stories of how God is still performing miracles in the lives of others. She reveals that we serve a limitless God who brings hope to what may seem like a hopeless situation. God still heals the sick. He still restores broken relationships. And God even makes a way when there seems no way for us to go.

What I appreciate most about Donna is her ability to express the Holy Spirit’s role in performing miracles but without the fanaticism that often comes when people talk about God working supernaturally. Her sincere approach is refreshing and needed for those who are still praying for their own miracle.

No Limits will not only encourage your heart, but it will remind you that we still serve a miracle-working God!


Favorite Quotes:


“God is not just unlimited in His power, He is also unlimited when it comes to time. Time limits us, but it doesn’t limit God.”


“Our Lord is extremely creative. He often performs miracles in ways that cannot be attributed to anyone’s assistance or to any force on earth. But He also can demonstrate His miraculous nature and work through people by equipping and using them to bring to others the miracles they need.”


“The Holy Spirit is not a dull or silent guide. He desires interaction with us.”





For more information about No Limits: Embracing the Miraculous and Donna Sparks go to 

Book: Joy In Surrender

Author: Deborah Stricklin

Publisher: Bridge Logos


When we decide to follow Christ, we soon realize there are trials and struggles we hadn’t anticipated. We come up against adversities in running the race God has called us to. But then there’s encouragement along the way: keep running, keep pressing on!

Joy In Surrender is a narrative cheering all believers with the message of hope to keep running and pursuing the call of God.  Deborah Stricklin weaves Apostle Peter’s life through the chapters and connects God’s plan for Peter with our own calling.

Through Peter, we find a transformed life we can emulate as Christians. If God can take Peter— the three-time Jesus denier— to become a humble minister of the gospel than we know God can use us!

If you are a seasoned Christian, this book will affirm you in your daily walk with Christ. And if you are a new believer, Joy In Surrender will guide you in understanding that surrendering to Christ through trials and suffering will not only mature you in your faith but bring joy in your surrender.

We are called to be the light of Christ to the world around us. This book will motivate you to be that light and to use every trial or suffering you experience to press on and keep running because heaven is our eternal reward.


Favorite Quotes:

“Succumbing to fear can position us as victims, and viewing ourselves as victims can cause us to become consumed with our own self-interests. We can become self-centered and self-serving as we continue to dwell on our victimhood. However, choosing confidence in Christ and His Word can lift us from the status of a victim and position us as victors in faith.”




“If we perceive our trials as only useless inconveniences—if we are unable to see the good God can bring from our suffering— then clearly we need to change the way we look at things.”





For more information about Joy In Surrender go to



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